Three top tips to assist you when caring for a loved one with a disability.
Promoting independence:
– Allow the individual to carry out tasks in their own time and at their own pace.
– Offer assistance when needed; wait until your offer is accepted before you help.
– Listen to their instructions and allow your loved one to carry out tasks in their own way.
– Provide empowerment through acknowledging your loved ones right to take control and responsibility of their own life, to make decisions and to respect their feelings and concerns.
– Always put your loved one first and refrain from negative phrases/labelling.
– Treat him/her with dignity, respect and courtesy.
– Allow him/her time to express any concerns/feelings/issues.
– Be patient, flexible and supportive.
– Actively listen to what he/she has to say. Be attentive to his/her needs.
– Take time to understand and ensure that he/she understands you.
Active involvement:
– Encourage your loved one to take part in enjoyable activities.
– Actively involve him/her in ongoing activities both in the home and the community.
– Offer choices and preserve his/her right to choose.
Most importantly, manage time effectively, you need your time.