Care Skills QQI Level 5
Course Description
The purpose of QQI Level 5 Care Skills is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to care for clients in a safe and hygienic environment.
After successfully completing this course you will be qualified to work as a healthcare assistant, carer and care worker in an HSE registered healthcare setting.
Care of the Older Person QQI Level 5
Course Description
The Care of the Older Person component is a QQI Level 5 Minor Award which is designed to provide the learner with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to support and meet the needs of older people and to care effectively and to a high standard using the best practice while adhering to current legislative and regulatory requirements.
People Moving and Handling Course
Course Description
Our manual handling course has two components: theory and practical. The theory section covers the issue of manual handling and back injuries in the workplace, relevant legislation, and safer handling practices. This section also provides the latest information on patient risk assessment.
In the practical section, we follow Dublin Area Teaching Hospitals guidelines, with exercises demonstrated and practiced, covering both inanimate objects and people handling scenarios. The focus is on promoting safe patient care while encouraging independent living and minimizing staff handling in the healthcare environment.
BLS Healthcare Provider Course
Course Description
BLS (Basic Life Support) for Healthcare Providers aims to provide healthcare practitioners such as nursing staff and healthcare assistants with individual CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) skills and to follow this up with their practical application in a team environment. The skills taught include adult, paediatric and infant CPR, use of bag valve mask and barrier devices, management of foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO), and use of AED’s.
The course is approved by the Irish Heart Foundation and the American Heart Association and is widely recognised both nationwide and worldwide. All teaching is evidence based and in accordance to the training guidelines set down by the AHA, including theory and practical assessment.
Recognising and Responding to Elder Abuse Course
Course Description
The aim of this training programme is to increase knowledge and understanding of what elder abuse is. To give the knowledge and skills needed to identify abuse, mistreatment and neglect – including covert or hidden abuse or abuse in its early stages.
To help identify care practices that might lead to or contribute to elder abuse and to understand the actions you need to take if you discover or suspect elder abuse is taking place.
Infection Prevention and Control Course
Course Description
This short program aims to deliver to staff the simple and most effective knowledge and practices to reduce healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in their workplace. The content is set out in accordance with the Health Management Institute of Ireland learning program topics include the chain of infection, hand hygiene technique and focus on when hand hygiene should be performed including the five moments. A short MCQ test paper is completed to finish.
Childrens First Course
Course Description
Children’ First training course is to assist candidates in the identification of child abuse and neglect and to deal effectively with concerns. The training course provides a framework to support the enhancement of inter-agency co-operation and the strengthening of multidisciplinary responses to child abuse and neglect. The welfare of the child is of importance.
All statutory, voluntary and community organisations working with and in direct contact with children should have procedures and guidelines derived from and consistent with the current Children’s First national guidance.
Participants develop an understanding and knowledge of:
• Child Protection /Welfare.
• The different types of child abuse.
• How to recognise and respond to situations.
• What steps to take to address concerns.
• The organisational support available and how to access this support.